Google Classroom





    On this page you will find all the training videos for using Google Classroom at Moorfield School.

    You will find the following training videos listed below:

    1. How to access Google Classroom from any computer or mobile device
    2. How to create a new profile in Google Chrome (recommended before using Google Classroom)
    3. Changing your email notification settings in Google Classroom i.e. turn notifications off
    4. Sending and receiving announcements from your teacher and classmates in Google Classroom
    5. Sending emails to your teacher from Google Classroom
    6. How to print a resource (material) at home from Google Classroom
    7. How to answer a question from your teacher in Google Classroom
    8. How to hand in your work to your teacher from a Google Classroom Assignment
    9. Using your camera on your iPad or android mobile device to hand in your work
    10. Reading comments and marks on your submitted work from your teacher

    1 to 2 videos on how to access Google Classroom from any computer or mobile device
    3 to 5 videos for setting up and using Google Classroom for communicating with your teacher and classmates
    6 to 10 videos on how to use Google Classroom for completing the different types of work from your teacher


    1. How to access Google Classroom


    This is a short video showing you the different ways you can access Google Classroom.

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    2. Creating a new profile in Google Chrome


    This is a short video showing you how to create a new profile in Google Chrome. This is recommended by Google when accessing Google Classroom through Chrome as it provides a clean profile wth no cookies or browser history.

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    3. Setting your email notifications in Google Classroom 


    This video is for parents and children and shows you how to turn off all email notifications from Google Classroom.

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    4. Sending announcements to your teacher and classmates in Google Classroom 


    This video is for parents and children to show you how to send and receive announcements from your teacher and classmates whilst using Google Classroom.

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    5. Sending emails to your teacher from Google Classroom


    This video is for parents and children and shows you how to send your teacher an email whilst working in Google Classroom.

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    6. Using Google Classroom for printing resources at home from Google Classroom


    This video is for children and shows you how to print out a resource from your teacher at home. This is usually a worksheet that you can print out and complete at home. 

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    7. Children’s guide to using a question from your teacher


    This video is for children and shows you how to hand in your answer to a question from your teacher in Google classroom.

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    8. Children’s guide to handing in your work to your teacher


    This video shows you how to complete and hand in your work from your teacher. In Google Classroom this is called an “Assignment”.

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    9. Children’s guide to using your camera on your iPad or android mobile device to hand in your work.


    This video is for parents and children and shows you how you can hand your work from your camera. You can only do this if you have an iPad or Android mobile device and you have installed the free Google classroom App. This is for children you have completed their work in their exercise book or have printed out the worksheet and completed their work by hand.

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    10. Children’s guide to reading comments on your submitted work from your teacher


    This video is for parents and children and shows you how to read comments and any marks on your submitted work from your teacher.

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