What Our Parents Say

 Prospective Parent Sept 2024

We were so impressed with the school that we didn’t have any doubts even before we had the tour of the school.”

 F3 & S5 Parent   

It’s hard to say why this school is so special as there are so many things built into the foundation of learning and belonging at Moorfield. The whole school is built on ensuring every child is the best they can be. For me a huge plus is our son isn’t hugely into sport but here he is allowed and encouraged to be who ever he wants to be and he is trying more new things than we could ever have imagined. Our onlyregret is we didn’t come here years ago!

Reception & Form 4 Parent

Following the Holi Festival colour extravaganza today, we just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how happy we are with the education our daughter is receiving in reception. Mrs Minshall is clearly an inspirational teacher and the breadth of experience she is being exposed to is fantastic. This is clearly not at the expense of the fundamental learning as her reading, writing and maths has come on dramatically this year.

On Saturday she declared ‘weekends are boring’ – school is so much more fun!  Thank you to you and all the staff for making the school so inspiring. 

Reception Parent
We couldn’t be prouder of our son this afternoon when he and all his friends did a sterling job in the nativity. It was so nice to listen to the songs with the music, as we know them so well, having been treated to watching and listening to them for many weeks! It was wonderful to see everyone performing on stage; smiling and clearly having a great time together. When I asked him about it he said:’it was SO much fun Mummy!’
Above all, this picture is a tearful and poignant reminder that our son is growing up and how far he’s come in a short time during his first term at school.  He’s showing that he’s becoming more confident in himself, self assured and he’s showing us he’s caring and curious, as we know he’s always been. He is thoroughly enjoying and relishing his time at school in your care.
Thank you for all you do to encourage and support him, and I look forward to seeing what he and all his friends, will go on to acheive next year.

Senior 5 Parent

Our daughter Sophie joined Moorfield in Year 4 after a challenging time at another school. From day one Moorfield wrapped its arms around a sad and stressed little girl. A year later what a difference Moorfield has made; she is fundamentally a different child. She has learnt to believe in herself, what kindness is truly all about, how language and manners matter and has a lovely inner confidence that all little children should have – we couldn’t thank Moorfield enough.

Reception Parent
My daughter is very happy at Moorfield, but as a parent, these are the things which I think stand out about her Reception year:
Communication – Like most 4 year olds, my daughter doesn’t tell me much about her school day, but thanks to weekly progress reports and Facebook posts I soon find out what she’s been doing and get to see pictures of her happy smiling face joining in the activities with her friends. Mrs Minshall is always available and happy to answer questions – you don’t need to wait until parents evening to speak to her.
Confidence – In addition to the expected nativity play, the reception class have acted out and recited stories and performed a ballet show in front of parents and the rest of the school. Supporting them to do this at such an early age can only ensure that they become confident public speakers later in life. The children higher up the school are testament to this.
Fun – Moorfield is a lot of fun. My daughter has enjoyed taking part in a lot of trips and activities, but those that have stood out for her include dressing up as a princess for a royal ball, a trip to the river to sail a handmade boat (which did float!), a theatre trip to see The Tiger Who Came to Tea (a favourite book) and sledging in the snow.
Manners – So easily forgotten in bigger schools, my daughter is being taught to be polite and speak confidently to adults – all the things you do at home are reinforced at school. Again the children higher up the school are testament to this.

Prospective (now Current) Form 3 & Form 1 Parent
What really came across from my visit was the passion of the teachers in teaching and how well that is being transmitted to the children, who are obviously really engaged in their learning. It is not until you bench mark practices in other schools that you realise what you are missing out on.

Prospective (now Current) Nursery 3 & Form 3 Parent
Every member of staff has been a delight to deal with, as well as being caring and clearly passionate about the school.
We are looking forward to starting for real after Easter.

Form 1 Parent
My husband and I were very apprehensive about selecting the right school for our son. We felt the mainstream system was oversubscribed and underfunded to the point that they were overly focused on test results and not each child as an individual.  As we started our search for alternative settings, a friend recommended looking round Moorfield and we were blown away from the second we entered the grounds.  The staff and children were so welcoming and the whole environment radiated happiness, contentment, and pride.  As we made our way through the tour, it was extremely easy to relax and speak freely with the head and the staff about who our son was and the type of education he would receive at Moorfield.  Moorfield takes a holistic approach to education, supporting each child individually, encouraging their strengths and working on their weaknesses in ways that make learning fun and engaging.  Our son had no interest in phonics or reading before he started and within three months he was lightyears ahead, reading everything and writing everywhere, but most importantly he was ENJOYING it, taking pride in it, loving it!  Our son’s teacher, Mrs Kay, helped him settle in so quickly, even though he joined in Form 1, he was like a duck to water (we were concerned he may struggle to make friends due to joining late, but the small classes and outstanding teachers foster an environment of friendship, inclusiveness and cooperation, so he quickly found his place).  Moorfield offers such a rich and varied curriculum that he always has so much to talk about with his friends and family.  Academically, our son is soaring, as well as his confidence, concentration and contentment.  Ultimately, we cannot thank everyone at Moorfield enough for all they have done and continue to do for our son.  This school is a something extremely special, and we are so grateful to have found it. To us it is clear that the love of learning Moorfield instils in every child will last long after they have left, giving each of them a solid foundation for life.

Nursery 3 Parent
We are delighted with the care our son is given at Moorfield and more specifically at the moment in the EYFS setting. It is a very friendly, warm and caring environment. He takes part in so many different activities every week and has fun every day, so we feel he is thriving and developing in confidence week by week. The staff know him well and understand what he enjoys and where his interests lie, which only helps to strengthen his learning and self-confidence. We also feel he is given the opportunity to find things out for himself as well as knowing he has the support and encouragement when he needs it.
He loves being outside exploring in Bushcraft, as well as singing and having fun in music. He also really benefits from the time to play and discover things with his friends and teachers, either in the classroom and out and about on exciting trips, or walks around Ilkley. Every day is fun and different and sparks his interest in new things.
We are so pleased we chose Moorfield School for him and wouldn’t hesitate in recommending it to other families.

Reception Parent
Our daughter is currently in the Reception class at Moorfield and each week brings new things for her to enjoy and experience.  She’s finding out what she’s good at and where her strengths lie.  We know she is getting the best possible start to her education by being at Moorfield.  The approach taken to learning at such a young age is excellent and the effort and attention to what will capture the childrens’ attention is second to none.  Our daughter loves going to after school care and also to holiday club which shows to us that the care and attention shown at Moorfield doesn’t start and end in the classroom.  The clubs and groups she has attended has made sure she has made lots of friends outside of her peer group which is great for her confidence and integration into the wider school.
The staff are fantastic in making sure each and every child is cared for and understood, they are all treated as individuals.  We can’t recommend Moorfield enough and to any prospective parent I would urge you to come and see how things are done in the Moorfield way.

Reception Parent
We have been so pleased with our daughter’s development since she started in reception. Mrs Minshall is a warm and joyful teacher with bags of energy which rubs off on the children. The school days are packed with activity – frequent trips both around Ilkley and further afield, bushcraft, drama, sports and yoga. There is an expectation that the pupils behave kindly and respectfully to each other and each child’s individuality is genuinely celebrated.