
Computing is a fast moving and ever changing subject. Keeping up to date with today’s modern technology, Moorfield ensures that children are fully equipped with the skills needed in society, both now and in years to come. Pupils from reception to year 6 have access to our modern computer suite and iPads and are used in class to enhance many aspects of the school curriculum, from history to maths.

All classes have weekly computing lessons, ensuring effective continuity throughout the school.Computing at Moorfield is divided into three main aspects, as set out in the new national curriculum: digital literacy, information technology and computing science.

The teaching of computer coding and programming is an expanding and exciting area of Moorfield’s curriculum. In the lower school, a familiarity withthe basics is developed through the use of BeeBots, along with more complex tools on the computer. As they progress, older pupils develop programming skills using software such as Scratch and Kodu Games Lab, designing, coding and debugging their own computer games.

In a world where children can communicate with almost anyone in the world in a matter of clicks, teaching our pupils the importance of staying safe online is of paramount importance. Internet safety is taught at an age-appropriate level throughout the school and filtering systems protect the content that is accessible within school.